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AV Brew: Giving Credit Where It’s Due

Finally, a production company that has read the book.

In 2020, the PCU team shared our insights on poorly cast adaptations, suggesting alternative actors who could have been better choices. My bad casting picks were Tom Cruise as Jack Reacher and Morgan Freeman/Tyler Perry as Alex Cross. Since then, Amazon TV has produced two series featuring these characters with the lead actor cast perfectly. It’s a satisfying moment when the adaptations finally align with what the fans crave!!

Based on the series by Lee Child, Jack Reacher is an ex-military officer who is approximately 36 years old, 6’5”, and 250 lbs. Through 28 novels, he traveled around the United States aimlessly because he was curious about the country of his citizenship. Wherever he goes, trouble finds him. When Alan Ritchson was shown walking down a dusty Georgia highway in the opening scene, it gave me chills. ‘THAT’S REACHER!!’ is all I could say. According to the web, Ritchson is only 6’2’’, but how he is filmed creates the idea that he is taller. He also has the bulk Reacher is known for, which further assists in the illusion.

As adaptations go, the Reacher writing team are nailing it. When I saw the trailer for season 2, I couldn’t remember the book title; however, I knew precisely what novel was being adapted.  Seasons 1 and 2 are faithful to the source material, while being their own thing, and the changes that were made didn’t bother me. Both seasons are available to stream with a third in production. If you love the novels, or are just a fan of the wandering hero trope, I suggest you check it out!

Cross Trailer

Next on Amazon’s list is Alex Cross, the protagonist of James Patterson’s book series. According to the book, Cross is in his late 30s or early 40s, 6’3″, 200 lbs, and resembles Mohammed Ali. He is a detective with the DC Police who also works with the FBI. The yet-to-be-released series will star Aldis Hodge. Hodge is perfect for this role and has the acting chops to pull it off. I’ve only seen the trailer to date and I’m unsure what book is being adapted, but I still can’t wait to watch it. In full transparency, I have not read a Cross book in about ten years as the books have started to feel phoned in, and I genuinely wasn’t enjoying them. While the Cross series does not have a release date yet, it has been picked up for a 2nd season already.

So, Amazon, I thank you for giving us fans what we want: faithful adaptations of book series we have loved for decades.

Reacher Seasons 1 and 2 are available now on Amazon Prime. The release date for the Cross series has not yet been announced.

About Simply Sherri (64 Articles)
Poet, writer, movie nerd and historian.

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