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Interviews at Baltimore Comic Con

Baltimore Comic Con 2018 was a blast! It saw the return of Dan Slott, one of the creators of Black Lightning: Tony Isabella came through, and even Jim Steranko graced the place!

However, don’t take our word for it, below are some interviews we did as well as some of the atmosphere we got from the show.

If you missed it this year, next year Baltimore Comic Con will be back on October 18- 20 2019!


Dan Slott talks gaming


Tony Isabella talks about his creation

Con Goers talk about Baltimore Comic Con



So, did you go?   What did you think of it? let is know in the comments below. Also if you want to see some more videos, go here for more content.

About Armand (1280 Articles)
Armand is a husband, father, and life long comics fan. A devoted fan of Batman and the Valiant Universe he loves writing for PCU, when he's not running his mouth on the PCU podcast. You can follow him on Twitter @armandmhill