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Review Brew: ‘Thief of Thieves #41’

Conrad and his crew have started implementing their plan to take and the Zubov brothers and take the GOLDRUSH in Thief of Thieves #41.

Thief of Thieves #41
Written By: Brett Lewis
Art By: Shawn Martinbrough
Published By: Image Comics
Price: $3.99
Release Date: 10/3/2018

Conrad and his crew have started implementing their plan to take and the Zubov brothers and take the GOLDRUSH in Thief of Thieves #41. Conrad’s plan is to take out a few oil refineries in the Middle East. He hopes that the attacks will drive the Zubov brothers apart which will allow him to board their yacht and steal the GOLDRUSH. But in order to do this, Conrad is going to need all the help he can get.

Brett Lewis tells a story that kicks off in an explosive way and does not relent. Lewis has really started to set up the endgame for this long running series. Not only does he have a firm grasp with how he writes our heroes, but he has improved the villains since the last issue. The Zubov’s are cold and calculating when it comes to their money and they don’t want to lose it. Conrad is just a ruthless when it comes to being a thief. It makes for a great cat and mouse story and Lewis has certainly delivered that with the writing.

The art by Shawn Martinbrough continues to shine throughout this book. The action set pieces are drawn beautifully and they amp up the stakes of the story in a great way. The characters are drawn perfectly and the detail in every panel is fantastic. My favorite moment comes early on in the story where Celia is running point for Conrad’s mission. The panel sees her struggling to not only provide Conrad with the information that he needs but also dealing with an unruly camel. When I was reading the panel I laughed out loud at how funny it was. It shows that Martinbrough can not only draw the action but the comic relief as well.

As much as I did enjoy this book, I did have one qualm with it. I want to know exactly what the GOLDRUSH is. I think it would help move the story along and up the stakes even more to know what it is that Conrad is going to steal. It keeps being mentioned but it has never really been seen. I know there needs to be a bit of mystery but I am ready to see what it does and what it looks like. Hopefully that will be revealed in the next issue.

I did have a lot of fun reading this book and I am looking forward to seeing the conclusion of this story.

3.75 Spitting Camels out of 5