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Getting to know Pere Pérez!

Pere Pérez is a talented, young, comic artist that is known for his work with Valiant Entertainment, DC Comics, Dynamite Comics, Dark Horse, and more! He is drawing the upcoming Marvel series, Deadpool VS Punisher. I had the pleasure of interviewing him and getting to know him a bit!

Q: What made you want to draw comics?  

“It’s hard to tell, but probably Star Wars. When I saw it as a kid, it blew me away, and I felt like I wanted to be a part of it, to create such things. Then I got drawn into comics and found that it was the way I’ll try to do it.”

Q: How long have you been drawing?

“Again, hard to tell, but I think I took it more seriously since I was 14. I had a minor ankle injury that made me stay a few weeks at home, I rediscovered comics, and I started drawing more seriously.”

Q: What is your favorite comic book you have ever worked on?

“It may be up to two candidates, Batgirl and Archer and Armstrong (and Timewalker, which I count as an extension of Archer and Armstrong). I loved the way Bryan Q. Miller made Stephanie Brown a likable character and the fun and adventure of the series. And I also love the way Fred Van Lente mixed action and comedy on Archer and Armstrong, I think that is right up on my alley, I feel very comfortable with that combination, and that’s the kind of books I enjoy reading the most.”

Q: Do you have a favorite character to draw?

“I enjoyed a lot with the above mentioned, but also, I’m having a blast with Deadpool. I’ts a character you just can’t draw badly, its costume works perfectly and allows me to get a bit crazy with body language. I could do with less pouches, though.”

Q: What can you tell us about the art in your upcoming comic, Deadpool VS Punisher?

“I can tell you I’m working my ass out of those pages. I’m so pumped because the script is playing up to my artistic strengths, and also challenging me to do new, crazy things. If you liked my stuff in the past, I can assure you are going to like this one better.”

Q: What is a character you would like to draw a comic for in the future?

“I’d love to draw a Star Wars comics, especially about any Jedi. Yoda, Obi Wan, Qui-Gon Jinn, Mace Windu… it would be awesome. Also, I’d like to draw Snake Eyes or Storm Shadow from G.I.Joe, Iron Fist and Doctor Doom, to name a few.”

Q: What’s some advice to aspiring comic book artists that haven’t quite made it yet?

“Draw. All the time. And when you are tired, draw some more. And never let anyone discourage you about doing what you like.”

It was nice to get to know Pérez and there’s some great advice to all of you aspiring comic book artists out there! Check out Pérez’s latest comic, Deadpool VS  Punisher when it hits shelves this spring!

About nylahtb (16 Articles)
I'm a fifteen year old writer and artist, living in West Virginia. I also study film and work on film projects as often as I can.