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Review Brew: Sex Criminals #11

Writer: Matt Fraction
Artist: Chip Zdarsky

What I always hate about good comics sometimes are the inconsistent release times. It’s been six long months since our last issue of Sex Criminals and just when I was beginning to give up, this one drops.

To start, we meet Douglas D. Douglas. Yes, that is his name. He is an unambitious guy who gets along simply by helping his mom, buying Otaku and well…beating off. Doug’s beating off takes him into The Quiet as well. Suzie and Jon are searching for him because he has something unique which may help them in the long run as they may be losing allies.

The one thing that still amazes me with this book is that, occasionally the reader may want to go back and read panels and pages twice, not only for the story, but for all the double entendres and fourth wall breaking that occurs throughout.   As the reader gets caught up on some of what’s happened, we are also realizing that a new arc is occurring as Douglas is not the only new character introduced. The only hiccup however, is that while Doug’s story is so far the most interesting part of this issue, there are 2 couples that don’t quite get the same time and development. By the way, how would you like to have Robert Rainbow as your OB-GYN?

Chip Zdarsky’s artwork is, as always, on point. The expressions on the characters faces always serves at the right points, to make readers feel like they are in on everything going on, thus, the breaking of the fourth wall that we get. What I enjoy most about Chip’s work is even though these books are filled with lots of sex, and there is a LOT of sex, the characters are drawn realistically. This has been something of a standard and why a lot of people who I have talked to feel like they can relate to this book. The characters don’t come off as ‘porn stars’ but every day people. That plus everyone’s sexual hang-up is the charm of the series.

As always, Sex Criminals entertains readers with its lewd and crude humor yet thoughtful insight on sex and sensibilities.

3.5 sex toys out of 5

About Armand (1280 Articles)
Armand is a husband, father, and life long comics fan. A devoted fan of Batman and the Valiant Universe he loves writing for PCU, when he's not running his mouth on the PCU podcast. You can follow him on Twitter @armandmhill