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Review Brew: ‘Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor’ #1

The Thirteenth Doctor has arrived not only on television but now in comic book form. The Doctor and her companions while visiting a planet in a sentient nebula encounter a rift in space-time. Sticking out of the rift is a hand and Ryan and Yaz race to help the being trapped. After the being is pulled out of the rift, the Doctor finds out that it was caused by a malfunctioning vortex manipulator. The Doctor and friends start to seek answers to what is happening.

Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor #1
Written By: Jody Houser
Art By: Rachel Stott
Published By: Titan Comics
Price: $3.99
Release Date: 11/07/2018

The Thirteenth Doctor has arrived not only on television but now in comic book form. The Doctor and her companions are visiting a planet in a sentient nebula encounter a rift in space-time. Sticking out of the rift is a hand and Ryan and Yaz race to help the being that is trapped. After the being is pulled out of the rift, the Doctor finds out that it was caused by a malfunctioning vortex manipulator. The Doctor and friends start to seek answers to what is happening.

Jody Houser is the perfect choice to write this series. Her grasp of not only the Doctor but her companions is fantastic. This book feels like an extension of the current television series. While I was reading the dialogue throughout the book I kept hearing the different characters voices. The plot is also very simple and Houser does a great job of setting up the mystery for the story arc. Houser also seems to be setting up the series as an episodic arc like the older series of Doctor Who.

This book looks beautiful as Rachel Stott nails every panel in it. The Doctor and her companions look like they stepped right off of the screen. The inside of the TARDIS looks stunning and the villains look sinister. My favorite panel comes from early in the book when the Doctor and company are looking at the nebula. The panel shows the awe and wonder of the universe and you can see it affect everyone looking at it. Stott shows how strong of an artist she is and that she is the best artist for this book.

The only issue I had with this book was that the villains were not established well. A lot of good Doctor Who stories have very strong villains which help move the story along. While I did enjoy the heavy focus on the new Doctor, I just wanted to see more from the villains. I want to know what their scheme is but I am intrigued enough to see where it goes.

This book was so much fun to read and I really like the team of Houser and Stott. I am looking forward to the rest of this adventure.

4.5 Sonic Screwdrivers out of 5