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Review Brew – Wonder Woman #20

Awesome, thy name is Circe…

Wonder Woman #20
Writer: Greg Rucka
Artist: Bilquis Evely
Colors: Romulo Fajardo Jr.
Letters: Jodi Wynne
Covers: Evely & Fajardo Jr.; Jenny Frison
Editors: Rebecca Taylor & Mark Doyle
Publisher: DC Comics


Veronica, after having seen every doctor in the world in hopes that someone, anyone, will be able to help Izzy, reaches out to Circe and everything gets amazing. Rucka nails Circe in a way that few people do: she’s mischievous, powerful, funny, intelligent and badass. In other words, everything you could ever want in a Circe appearance. The icing on the cake is that this issue fills in some blanks regarding Veronica, Deimos and Phobos and in such a clever way that I was grinning from ear to ear. It also ties in everything we’ve seen up until this point in both the Godwatch and The Lies/The Truth arcs. Everything comes full circle and now all the players are on the board and I cannot wait to see how this chess match plays out.

Bilquis Evely and Romulo Fajardo Jr. do such fantastic work here, especially with Circe. Everything from how she moves to her smile is perfect and embodies all of her distinct qualities. Everyone in this issue gets some truly well done facial expressions and body work and the action scenes are on point. There’s an amazing sequence between Diana, Circe, Deimos and Phobos that’s worth the price of admission alone.

I cannot say it enough: Greg Rucka and his team are just doing phenomenal work on Wonder Woman.

Five out of Five Soulstones.

About belleburr (510 Articles)
Actor, writer, singer