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Review Brew – Wonder Woman #12

How do you explain hate?

Wonder Woman #12
Writer: Greg Rucka
Artist: Nicola Scott
Colors: Romulo Farjardo Jr.
Letters: Jodi Wynne
Editor: Mark Doyle
Asst Editor:  Rebecca Taylor
Covers: Jenny Frison; Scott and Farjardo Jr.
Publisher: DC Comics

We pick up in the aftermath of Diana, Steve, and Etta taking out the members of the Sear Group after their brutal attack on the mall. Everyone has questions, and answers are few and far between, as the media clamors to find out more about the mysterious ‘Super Woman’ who saved so many lives.

As always Rucka’s writing is fantastic, weaving some awesome action scenes – Diana gets field tested to see what her upper limit is – with quiet moments of humor and heartbreak as Diana tries to understand a world of terrorism and hatred. We learn more about our main crew, specifically Etta and Minerva, and get confirmation that there is far more going on with the Sear Group than meets the eye.

Nicola Scott and Romulo Farjardo Jr’s artwork continues to give us a vibrant and lush world while making each character distinct and beautiful in their own right. Their grasp of facial expressions, and understanding that less is more, make the quiet moments so much more impactful than they would be if handled by lesser artists.

Four out of Five surprise appearances.

About belleburr (510 Articles)
Actor, writer, singer

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