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Review Brew: Faith #1 (On-Going Series)

Writer: Jody Houser
Art : Pere Pérez, Marguerite Sauvage, and Colleen Doran
Color Art : Andrew Dalhouse
Letterer: Dave Sharpe
Priced: $3.99
Valiant Entertainment

Fresh off the heels of her hit four-issue miniseries, Faith is back in her own ongoing title. Let’s start with a bit of background on the character of Faith Herbert aka Zephyr. After the breakup of her Superhero team The Renegades, as well as her own personal break-up with her boyfriend/ teammate Torque, and the teams’ identities being made public, Faith needed a change. She moved to Los Angeles, acquired a new identity (Summer Smith), works for an online news magazine, and got a new boyfriend in her long-time friend, Archer. Everything hasn’t been roses for Faith since moving to L.A., however. An alien death cult tried to destroy the city, and her co-workers found out her secret identity.

Now that I have us caught up, let’s get into what’s currently happening with our hero. Faith is still trying to get the hang of balancing being a superhero with having a normal life. She socializes with friends who pry too much into her life, deals with a workplace she put in danger, and tries to hold together a long-distance relationship. However, when everything looks up after she gets a message from her favorite superstar, she will find that a new danger has risen to take her on.

The writing on this issue is phenomenal. From the miniseries up until now, Jody Houser has done a remarkable job giving life to Faith’s character. From her geeky references to her inner fantasy moments, Faith is a delight to follow. Now, seeing her struggle with being a superhero and leading a normal life has added great depth to the character. Pepe Pérez’s artwork really compliments the story well, as his style has a softer feel than what was used in the miniseries. His approach to the characters also matches the upbeat tone of the comic. I also love that Marguerite Sauvage has returned to do the art on the fantasy moments. She brings a painted style with soft tones to really create this daydream/ fantasy sequence that Faith has.

All in all, this was a great first issue, and it looks to set the tone for another fantastic run. If you followed the mini-series, or just reading for the first time, you should get your hands on this one.

I am giving Faith #1 4 fangirls out of 5. What did you think of the Faith mini-series? Let us know in the comments below, and as always, stay with Pop Culture Uncovered for more comic reviews.


About mansah19 (39 Articles)
Mansa is a lover of all things Pop Culture and Geek related. So If your looking for a man who can dry wall, fix your car or build your perfect walk in closet he ain't your guy. But if you need to know the names of the Pilots of the Voltron Force or who sang the theme in the latest Bond flick he's your guy! Mansa is also an up and coming podcaster which you can find on Pop Culture Uncovered, MBM Wrestling on Tau Radio and 2 Fat Guys and a Podcast.