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Review Brew: Faith #1

Writer-Jody Houser

Artist- Francis Portella


Faith is in my mind one of the more unique characters in comics. Created by Jim Shooter, Bob Layton, and David Lapham in 1992 as part of the original Harbinger series, she has shined brightly in the rebooted Valiant Universe. Faith is in actuality one of the rare heroes in amongst the Valiant characters. Where the many of Valiant’s protagonists are emotionally scarred and/or haunted by their past or the nature of their powers, Faith has overcome the tragic events in hers and revels in being a superhero. Despite the death of her parents Faith is optimistic to the near point of being naïve, unquestionably kind hearted, utterly convinced that she’s capable of making a difference and determined to so.

What further distinguishes Faith from other superheroes is how much she has in common with her readers. First off she’s a geek like the rest of us, well at least me. A true fan of comics and science fiction with an encyclopedic knowledge of both, (if you look closely there is a Gundam in her bathroom), Faith is the everywoman, the embodiment of the reader. Of equal important is how Faith is depicted. Unlike most female heroines published by Marvel or DC who commonly appear as if they have been literally plucked from the fertile imagination of adolescent boys, Faith is depicted as a normal slightly overweight teenager. She isn’t tortured by her appearance, she loves herself and embraces it as part of who she is, and truthfully I can’t think of a character remotely like her.

The combined result of all these attributes is that Faith has become one of Valiant’s most popular characters, justifying the company’s decision to launch a solo book with her as the star to see if she can carry a book of her own. Based on this first issue, it’s a definite possibility, but I’m interested in seeing more of what the creative team’s (Writer Jody Houser, Artist Francis Portella) long term plan for the character is before declaring Faith a must read. Outside of Harada, who is currently busy taking on the world in Imperium, Faith really doesn’t have any significant villains who compel her heroic struggle. Establishing a clear purpose for Faith will be vital in moving her from being supporting character and into the spotlight. Based on this first issue however I have faith.

The creative team’s goal with this issue appears to be to establish the new status quo for Faith following her departure from Unity, Valiant’s supergroup, and her break up with Torque, one of the main characters from the Harbinger series that Faith initially starred in. With the assistance of Ax, a former Harbinger member, Faith has established an alter ego with not so subtle nods to a distinguished competitor’s major character. The events of the book feel as if they serve as the launching pad for whatever comes next. Faith #1 is a fun read, and it gives me hope for the future of the series.

Four Harbingers of Five

About Armand (1280 Articles)
Armand is a husband, father, and life long comics fan. A devoted fan of Batman and the Valiant Universe he loves writing for PCU, when he's not running his mouth on the PCU podcast. You can follow him on Twitter @armandmhill