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Review Brew: Infinity Gauntlet #1

Secret Wars

PCU_LOGO_ReviewBrewWriters: Dustin Weaver & Gerry Duggan
Artist: Dustin Weaver

The problem with big crossover events tend to be with tie-ins. An event can be great, but it can either create a rising tide for all boats, or drown them. The latter hasn’t been the case with Secret Wars. So far, each tie-in even if it’s trading on an old name like Planet Hulk or Inferno, has done a great job of distinguishing itself with that name, and more importantly showing why the Battleworld concept is such a great idea. While the idea of one planet under Doom could stretch thin, there’s been very little repetition between each domain. While some books have different versions of similar characters, some books are simply introducing new characters altogether, and Infinity Gauntlet opts for the latter.

Gerry Duggan has spent quite a bit of time writing the adventures of the current Nova: Sam Alexander, but he and Dustin Weaver introduce a compelling new set of characters in lieu of Sam on Battleworld. We get introduced to Anwen Bakian, who along with the rest of her family are on the run from the Annihilation Wave that’s overrun their home domain of New Xandar and eliminated most of what resembled civilization. The tone of the series is pretty firmly along the lines of sci-fi Marvel traditionally has had for its cosmic books, and like the other Battleworld books it stands apart from the rest of the Marvel Universe.

That being said, the question might fall to why the story introduces new people rather than Sam. The unfamiliarity of the situation in Infinity Gauntlet is perfect to introduce new people, people who aren’t superheroes and are just trying to survive, it’s the best kind of sci-fi. In this case, it works to invest us into the plight of Anwen and her family’s plight. They aren’t ciphers, and the ending in particular gives an exciting finish to the whole story. While Dustin Weaver is one of the writers, his art as usual is awesome in scope.

While I’ve never been a fan of the Nova redesign, under Weaver’s hands the design looks more akin to the Richard Rider version and looks sleek, along with the giant bugs and sci-fi monstrosities that appear in the story, the issue is a feast. While the story is not related to Jim Starlin’s Infinity Gauntlet, it’s frankly better that way. A retread of that story serves no one, and using it as a launching pad works quite well here given where the Infinity Gauntlet fits in. If you’re looking for a new set of characters and situations from the Marvel Universe, this is a great entrance to start with.

4 out of 5 Infinity Gauntlets

Review By Slewo

About soshillinois (294 Articles)
What's there to say about me? Well I'm an avid fan of comics, video games, tv shows, and movies alike. I love to read, consume, and discuss information of all kinds. My writing is all a part of who I am.