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Review Brew: Past Aways #1

PCU_LOGO_ReviewBrewWriter:  Matt Kindt
Artist:  Scott Kolins
Reviewer: Alex Krefetz

It’s been awhile since I’d picked up a Dark Horse book, and seeing Scott Kolins’ name on the cover of Past Aways #1 was enough of a reason to give this book a shot. The story follows a number of explorers of time and space stuck in the year 2015. Where they are stuck, the team begins saving the world from all sorts of monsters such as a little dragon that spews acid out of its butt. This first issue meanders a bit, but between the art and humor there’s still something to like here.

As I said, I’m a huge fan of Scott Kolins from his work on The Flash. I haven’t read much of Matt Kindt, but I knew him from his work on Mind Mgmt. Past Aways seems to be a more humorous story for him, and the book is full of small jokes and visual gags. Kolin’s art is a great compliment to this story. He brings his trademark solid lines and distinct shapes to both the main cast and the various creatures and enemies the team faces. Overall, the book has a futuristic and whimsical feel – more grounded than Prophet but just as odd, and a bit harder than Sara Pichelli’s work on Saga.

While the book looks fun, it’s hard for me to piece together what was actually going on from page to page. The characters seem interesting enough, but so much information is conveyed in such a small space. I think this is the first time I’ve ever seen the biographies of characters included on the cover, and it doesn’t do much to help me remember their names much less their personalities and quirks. Kolins and Kindt have created a dynamic and interesting world, but it’s more than a little confusing to understand what is happening here. Given a few issues, the team might have a more lighthearted take on sci-fi than some of its contempories.

Three Calming Cubes out of Five