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Review Brew: Epic #3

Writer- Tyler James
Artist- Fico Ossio
Reviewed By- John Amenta

At this point I feel that I have to come out and say that I am not in any way, shape or form affiliated with the good folks over at ComixTribe. The reason I feel the need to tell you this, loyal reader, is because when it comes to product being reviewed by myself from this small publishing house, I keep giving them glowing reviews. No giant bags of cash or jewels were ever handed to me for high marks. No expensive dinners nor rides in the corporate jet to sway my opinion. Nope. ComixTribe just puts out quality funny books, and I’m just getting you ready for another unbiased, yet positive review.

Epic is the most straightforward of ComixTribe’s titles, yet it is by far the most fun to read. Eric Ardor is a typical teenager who just so happens to have superpowers in Miami. Eric’s abilities are negated when he is around girls he finds attractive. In Miami this can be a bigger problem than in certain colder areas of the country. This is the central idea behind Epic, yet it does not define the book. Eric( in his costumed guise as Epic) and his tech savvy friend Beans work together to fight the ever-growing supervillain problem popping up in the city by night, and by day, try to understand why girls won’t talk to them. In this issue Eric copes with trying to find a date for the upcoming school dance, while the local steroid abusing football hero at school takes a superpowered dose of a new drug that turns him into a monster. Other plot threads weaved through the first two issues get some time, such as Beans going back to work for the mysterious Dr.Geneto, and more face time for the other superhero attending South Beach High, the newly transplanted Cali-Girl.

Tyler James has given us a book that right out of the gate feels relatable, and it’s universe feels fully formed. Epic has the feel of Ultimate Spider-Man, in the interaction between the characters, and the attitude of its hero. Friendships feel real, teenage woes real as well. Artist Fico Ossio is also a major league talent that is getting his due, recently providing art for IDW’s Skylanders series.

In the mood for a new superhero tale not muddied by decades of continuity and crossovers and 100 page special issues? Looking for a fun read that will satisfy that itch for quality entertainment? Pick up a copy of Epic, it’s only three issues in. See if ComixTribe can continue to ride the streak of good product. They are on an early Pixar like tear currently, with no Cars 2 on the horizon either.

5 Tri$has of 5

Note: Advance copy reviewed, issue on sale April 1st.

About John Amenta (74 Articles)
Born and raised in Central Connecticut. Raised on the good stuff, such as Star Wars, Marvel G.I. Joe comics and a heaping spoonful of Saturday morning cartoons. Many years later, still sticking to the ways of younger life, to counteract the terror of adult existence.