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The Review Brew: Invincible #116

PCU_LOGO_ReviewBrewWriter: Robert Kirkman
Artist: Ryan Ottley
Reviewer: John Amenta


Robert Kirkman has been writing Invincible since 2003. In that time many things have changed in our protagonist Mark Grayson’s life. The great thing about this book being creator owned and published by Image is that, as opposed to the constant retconning used in Marvel and DC, these changes stick. They stick and alter the route the storyline will take. This issue deals with a recent big change in the status quo, and ends with Mark making a choice that will move things in a new direction.

At the opening of the issue, we learn that Rex has completed his takeover of the Earth, and has done so in a fashion that has the people thinking it is for the better. Mark knows that Rex, despite his subversion and use of force, really does have the people of Earth’s best interests at heart. Complicating matters is the tension between Mark and Eve, who still haven’t named their newborn baby girl. An encounter with The Immortal plants the seed of rebellion in Mark’s head, but his father rebukes him in his search for help from the Viltumites. This leads to the previously mentioned last page decision that will seemingly change the landscape of the book for a while at least.

Kirkman and Ottley continue to nail this book in every aspect, every issue. Invincible remains one of the few books I read that never lets me down, and even in quieter issues like this, support and advance the story. If you are ever looking for a truly satisfying superhero tale that is completely insular and needs no crossover books to read, start with issue 1 of Invincible. It harkens back to the earliest days of Marvel, and benefits from one constant writer for over 100 issues. Start here to learn more.

4 Robots of 5

About John Amenta (74 Articles)
Born and raised in Central Connecticut. Raised on the good stuff, such as Star Wars, Marvel G.I. Joe comics and a heaping spoonful of Saturday morning cartoons. Many years later, still sticking to the ways of younger life, to counteract the terror of adult existence.

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